Laplace’s demon
Let’s ask Laplace’s demon: where’s this going? In any way, shape, or form. And anywhere you’d like to start. You can start from Adam the first human; homo. You can talk about life in general. You can bring it back to the big bang, the beginning of our universe. Where is this going? Is there no inevitability of energy and matter scattered, through a big explosion, to get and cluster together. Is there no inevitability, by design, for atoms to huddle up and create molecules? For dust to huddle up and create stars? For supernovae yielding heavier, more diverse atoms fertilizing the universe with more possibilities of planets – an incomprehensible number of planets clustered and huddled around an incomprehensible number of stars. Let’s ask Laplace’s demon if there’s an inevitability of one being in the right place at the right time. With all the right conditions for molecules to huddle up in an environment perfect for life.
Is there no inevitability for proteins to just be and do? – A game of life. Just doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. And then something bigger taking it in, forming a symbiotic relationship where this protein’s output is beneficial and its input guaranteed. Is there no inevitability, by design, for the shear will to Be? Kun. How about securing your being?
Intelligent Design
Is there no inevitability? For mitochondria to be adopted by the cell? By evolution, by design, through the will to be? The will to survive yields an inevitability for complexity – the more data you gather from your surroundings, the more chances you have to survive. The other side of complexity is also true – the better and more efficiently you can process data, the likelier it is that you will survive. With this need for complexity comes intelligence that just grows and grows and grows.
Let’s ask Laplace’s demon if the human singularity – the first being with self-awareness – is inevitable. With ego inevitably rising comes the inevitability of selfishness, of individualism, of wastefulness, of wanting more and more and more just to feed your ego in one way-of-the-seven or another. The more you feed the more it wants because what do you want? You want more!**cue draftking betting ad “You want more!”**
Ask Laplace’s demon if this wastefulness will not continue to grow. And will not inevitably lead to a disruption, a destruction of a society, an ecosystem and a planet.
Perhaps Laplace’s demon will tell you not to underestimate the human race and their intelligence and cheer creativity. Not to underestimate the will to be and the will to survive yielding creativity. They’ll find a way. They’ll heal the planet.
Individual Minimalism
Maybe Laplace’s demon reveals the one true solution for healing this planet – minimalism. A solution nobody wants to hear. Whether it’s conservatives, whether it’s liberals. Climate change deniers and tree huggers all the same. The vast majority of people, whether they recognize we are killing the planet or not, are not willing to talk about the only possible solution. Individual Minimalism.
Existential Crisis
And Laplace’s demon will tell you it’s hopeless. What you are asking for is hopeless. It will always be hopeless. It’s 2024. Everyone has an ego too large to contain. And you believe they are capable of wanting less of this material world?
Laplace’s demon will probably tell you that there’s only one other possible option – AI. The solution to climate change can only come from AI because people will never be willing. To go back to minimalism, to go back to embracing the balance.
“And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.”
Artificial Intelligence is your only hope for a solution without embracing minimalism.
And there’s an inevitability for that world to exist – one in which AI has healed the planet. Laplace’s demon will tell you the solution only spells doom. It reminds me of The Good Place – you think you are in heaven because you have everything you want – immortality will be yours, but you will forever be cemented, shackled and your ego will be vastly larger than it is today. Even today the mental strain is unbearable. There is a mental health crisis not only in this country but in the world. And it is directly proportional. To this increase in technology.
And this. Availability. Dopamine, right at your fingertips right in your palm. To have no time to be with ourselves even today, it’s unbearable. I think that you are in heaven, but you just don’t feel quite right?You have guaranteed hell for eternity. Eternal health is an inevitability by design.
Humans ruin planet
Do nothing, the planet dies, we die. AI only solution – leads to doom, we die.
Is there no inevitability to damned if you do damned if you don’t? doomed if you do, doomed if you don’t?
I am personally hoping for be more direct message of judgment day where? Our creator just turns us off.