Divine Design
There’s evidence of code everywhere. There’s evidence of mathematics discovered and algorithms invented. There’s evidence of constants so precise they seem calculated. There’s evidence of complexity within simplicity, in simplicity breeding complexity.
Freedom within Design: The Paradox of Pre-determinism
There is evidence of design, of ethical design. There is evidence of a degree of freedom born within a pre-deterministic design. There is evidence of matter existing only as clusters of different potentials. There is evidence of material living only to the degree of its validation- classically. There is evidence of only possibilities, without matter, in existence. Existence?
From Matter to Experience: The Illusion of Existence
There is evidence of matter existing only in experience, an illusion. There is evidence of freedom of expression present within a design that is the only way for freedom to be. There is evidence of choice within the evolutionary tree, starting with the seed of life. There is evidence within, you just have to have the discipline to find it. No one else can show you.
The Biochemical Singularity: A Milestone in Evolution
Our evolutionary design yields some patterns, knowns, milestones, and singularities. Predictable. Inescapable. By design, life must evolve, which brings forth the inevitability of complexity required for information processing. – you have a greater chance of survival if you gather and collect more data from your surrounding environment. You have a greater chance of survival if you do so more efficiently. Information processing is proportional to intelligence. This is by design, and a milestone of complexity is naturally reached – the biochemical singularity. How many hundreds of millions of years would it take for complexity to reach sentience? This question can be raised with artificial intelligence. Most experts agree it’s a matter of when not if. If it’s just a matter of time, then all we have is time.
Sentience and the Awakening of ‘Adam’
There is an inevitability of a moment in which “Adam” wakes up. There is an inevitability for an ego to manifest: the thinking man. There is an inevitability of sentience, of Satan whispering within you, waking you up and instantly leading you astray. There are milestones bound to happen. There is a certainty of Adam breeding and struggling. Of Noah evolving, surviving, seeding. There is an inevitability of Noah discovering – electricity and algorithm. There is credence to computing artificially and the eventual technological singularity, a moment we are no longer in control by design. These are natural laws; these are milestones, knowns. I am intrigued and anxious about the unknowns.