u·DOSE ritual – mic.r od – ose .me 

uDOSE members can qualify to partake in our rituals involving ps·iloc·yb·in.

How to participate in the mi·cro·do·se.me ritual.

1. Register – Sign-up to become a uDOSE member. Membership is free!

2. Community – Once you enter our community, find the ‘mi·cro·do·se.me’ social group and join.  

2. Educate – Take our 15-minute course within the ‘mi·cro·do·se.me’ group to familiarize and adjust expectations.

3. Pass the quiz – 14 multiple choice questions. 100% is the passing grade.

4. Confirm age – must be 21+ to participate. Confirmation instructions will be found within the group course.

That’s it! That’s all it takes to participate. The ‘mic.r od ose .me’ group within our community will have more details on where we have our monthly meetings and how to acquire your monthly supply.
