December 31, 2023

Our Human Journey from Ignorance to Awareness | Ep 01

Join us as we delve into the allegory of Adam and Eve, exploring our spiritual awakening and the evolution of human consciousness through ancient myths and stories.
Artistic representation of the 'Self Thought 01' podcast episode, depicting the themes of Adam and Eve, spiritual awakening, and the evolution of human consciousness through ancient myths
Self Thought
Our Human Journey from Ignorance to Awareness | Ep 01

Show Notes

In Episode 01 of our Self Thought podcast, we investigate the psychological awakening symbolized by Adam and Eve, reinterpreting these ancient narratives to shed light on the modern human psyche and its continuous evolution.


  • Spiritual and Psychological Awakening
  • The Role of Myths and Stories in Human Evolution
  • The Complexity of Self-Identity and Consciousness
  • Re-examining Ancient Wisdom in Modern Contexts

Relevance to uDOSE:

This clip reflects uDOSE’s commitment to exploring the deep spiritual and psychological aspects of human existence. It delves into how ancient stories and myths, like Adam and Eve, provide insights into our collective journey from ignorance to awareness, a core aspect of uDOSE’s philosophy.

Artistic representation of the 'Self Thought 01' podcast episode, depicting the themes of Adam and Eve, spiritual awakening, and the evolution of human consciousness through ancient myths
Self Thought
Our Human Journey from Ignorance to Awareness | Ep 01

Show Name

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