First things first   
This evokes themes of starting a new endeavor, taking the first steps on a journey, and facing the unknown path ahead.

Is it me or did you just walk in mid sentence? How do I catch you up? Should I discuss the meaning of it all or just talk about here and now, whenandwher-ever that may be? Can I rewind to the beginning of this train of thought? If so, do I have to go back to the big bang? It didn’t really start as much as it coagulated into existence. Does a spider web have a beginning? When does Life start? When does our species? When does a cell become cancerous? When do we go from warm to hot? 

Things are not as linear as we wish them to be, and when they are, the lines and thresholds are arbitrary. 

You’ll never start if you need a fully drawn path. You won’t start if there is none. Quite the dilemma. In general, to start any endeavor, you need a sort of idea. It need not be precise. In fact, it’s probably better if it’s not fully defined. (Saves you the time you’ll have to spend undefining it.) The idea should be far out, a little blurry to your present-self. A dreamlike, broad stroke sketch with the freedom to evolve. 

There is a Constant about you and many, many variables. By definition, variables vary, but you’d be surprised how many don’t because we don’t let them. How many prisons our perception creates. I know you’re trapped. We all are. We start in the dark and grope our way towards the Light. Maybe this journey starts with the hint that things are not quite what they seem. That you are being fooled by mechanisms you have been blinded to. That below your awareness lies an entire world, deeper and richer than you could ever imagine, Horatio.

We live in interesting times, to say the least. The speed of things is dizzying. 

We need not only to rethink, but to unthink our way through the mess we’ve inherited slash created. The fundamentals of the world don’t need to be uprooted. Only the fundamentals of how we view it, and our role in shaping it. 

And then maybe, with a bit of luck and a $*&# ton of courage, we can correct course. For the record. 
